
3000 (4828 km)

in the absence of light
to know hardness just below
riding two wheels is flight soundless to the wind

i tore down off-broadway
as if my day warranted exodus
past homes preparing for rest where
there were a few porch lights accompanied
only by the flickering red and white
of those on the flats

other riders took with me a bold hard line
on the grid and towards the bright glazed tower spires
reflecting twice their stature in the sheltered bay
i knew from a newborn memory was there
a glass shard in an arboreal vastness

i am three thousand miles from home
(perhaps soon just four more blocks)
and the tug pull of old losing ground to
the new has commenced

with sadness the space between
my two homes will never fold



our city was a rare beautiful that time of year
freezing rain shrouded our ancient hilltops
from view for days but that day
held only a patient cerulean sky

i took the long way that night
after the hue faded so
i might witness the remaining sunset burn
and its crisp cast igniting halos above everything
as if it all bore a presumed magnificence

i would rather call than write you
to let you know how seeing you
would have made my tomorrow perfect
but my absent patience brought me whole
instead across town to zulema street then
just as the sky went urban starless black

people as in new york cop shows
during segues between scenes
were out on their concrete walkups
loitering as if time was no matter and
as if the weather had turned gold for good
as i locked my bicycle to your front stoop and
dialed your framingham number still new to me